Public Speaking

From Keynote Presentations for large gatherings or Specialized Speaking for smaller events, IntegrityWorks Coaching and Mike Greene offer enjoyable presentations mixed with training that will leave your audience engaged.

Let’s talk about your event!

P.E.A.K. Performance
Close the gap between poor performance and PEAK performance. This is a simple acronym that identifies a systematic way to address the critical aspects of performance – whether you're striving for success in sales, business, fitness, or even in your marriage! Join me in developing a daily and weekly protocol of becoming a P.E.A.K. Performer!

60 Second Time Out
Based on my books of the same name, which have sales exceeding 60,000 copies in 4 countries, this teaching provides a simple, relatable and easily applicable way to become a better person – at home, at work, on the field, and in the community. 60 Second Time Out, 60 Second Leadership and 60 Second Perspective are books made up of 60 second lessons that will resonate with anyone looking to improve and excel in what matters most to them. Make every second count with 60 Second Time Out.

Time Management
Time Management is a misnomer – we don’t really manage time – we manage actions, through effective prioritization. That starts with vision. Learn how to prioritize; but more important, learn why to prioritize, and then learn to execute consistently on your plan.

Team Building
Learn why to build strong teams. Learn how to build strong teams. Learn how to leverage the strength within a team. Learn true team synergy. Consider The 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team or work with us to develop a custom program specific to your situation and desired outcomes.

Attitude and Motivation
As Zig Ziglar used to say, “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily.” Learn how to motivate yourself by being proactive, systematic and highly intentional. Don’t just be happy, be purposeful; knowing why you do what you do will be the fuel to keep propelling you forward.

Personal Development
It’s said that the secret of our success (leadership, marriage, health, sales, and business) is hidden in our daily routine. That routine usually involves a plan for personal growth. Learn how and why to build a better version of yourself for you, your team and your family.

Goals Drive Performance
Learn the keys to effective goal strategies and the disciplines of successful goal execution. The daily demands of our lives at work and home don’t really get along with our goal intentions. Learn how to change that – executing on what is truly important amidst the whirlwind of our daily lives.

Strong leaders offer hope, trust, compassion and stability to those around them. Learn these keys, why they matter to people who choose to follow leaders, and how to become someone people are happy and inspired to follow.