You Know But You Don't

Written by Mike Greene Published: 18 July 2018 (Contributed by Mitch Greene)

Have you ever had a day when you literally had nothing you had to do? I mean like truly no responsibilities at all? 

It’s probably been a while, but I bet I know what you chose to do with at least one of those days. 


Everybody loves a lazy day… at the beginning. By the time you finish binge-watching Game of Thrones… excuse me, sorry, I’m a millennial. Maybe, This Is Us. You feel like you’ve been asleep for the winter. You feel like crap and super unproductive. You walk up your steps and you’re winded. The funniest thing about all this is that most of us, including me, are wondering why we feel like crap! Let’s just be honest. 

Sometimes, we suck a little bit. 

Let’s circle back on that original question from above.  Have you ever had a day when you literally had nothing you had to do? I mean like truly no responsibilities at all? 

Yet, you chose to be super productive and read that book you’ve been putting off, get in an awesome workout and go for a hike? It’s probably been a while, but I bet I know just how you felt after all that. You felt awesome! You probably felt like you could take on the world! If you ran a marathon, you’d ask for more! 

My point is that no matter how good a lazy day sounds, in the end, a lazy- less day will feel so much better.


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