Action Cures Fear

Fear knocked at the door; Faith answered, and no one was there.

 Much like the idea that you cannot have two dominant thoughts at the same time, when you act, fear is suppressed.  It may still be there; but it isn’t dominant, because we are in a different mode – we’re in action.

So why don’t you take action? What are you fearful of?

Reactions of others…

Perceived failure…



Judgment or criticism…


 Think about the time you asked your wife out on that first date, or your first job interview, or that first sales call, or your first public speech.  While you may have experienced fear while you took action, most of the fear was experienced just before you acted. Once you began the conversation, the interview or that first sales call, your action suppressed the fear.  The more you kept in the action mode, the less fear you experienced.

 Most of the fear I experience in life happens in advance of what I fear - it’s my sick form of preparation.  I remember hearing a point made by Dennis Waitley that said something like this:  People tend to replay past failure (hence the sense of fear and worry) rather than pre-play future success. This fear generally inspires a habit of doubt.  And doubt can be a paralyzing thing in our lives.  Mark Twain said, “Our doubts are traitors that make us lose the good we might oft win by fearing to attempt.” We become paralyzed and the thing we fear, though it hasn’t actually happened, leads us to miss out on what we could and should have gained through meaningful action! 

 Perhaps there is something to the Nike slogan, “Just Do It!”  At least if it falls within the ethics of good choices and your own personal and professional filters, and you’ve somewhat adhered to the “5 P’s” (Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance) – I like it!  “Just Do It!” 

 Clarify what you want and the fears that hold you back.  Commit to overcome them with action. Commit to someone else you respect.  Create rewards for action and possibly consequences for inaction. Begin to build healthy pride in overcoming fear.

 If it’s morally right, poses opportunity for growth in areas that really matter to you, then take it from Nike - Just Do It!  Go ahead…As Robert Schuller says, “Beginning is half done.”


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