Working Through Fear

Why would you "FEEL THE FEAR, AND DO IT ANYWAY”...?

Simple: fear is a part of every success.

Some people fear asking for help, some fear making money, some fear success and others fear failure. 

When you are working for a greater good, you can no longer let your fear or discomfort, your so-called "smallness," or any other excuse get in your way.

Being afraid of what people might think about you is a good example of the kind of smallness that will prevent you from honoring your higher vision.  Once you are clear about your vision - how your contribution and work is linked to a greater good - it allows you to stretch beyond your smallness.

Are you using any of these "fears" or "excuses" to stand in the way of your success...?  And, just as important, do you need coaching through any of them...?

Your fear of the reactions of others ...
Your fear of failure ...
Your fear of too much responsibility ...
Your fear of not knowing enough ...
Your fear of money - too little or too much of it ...
Your fear of rejection…
Your fear of being judged or criticized ...
Your fear of disappointment ...

We never do great things alone. Whether your vision is to lead a highly successful business enterprise, to be a terrific parent, or to serve your local community, you will never do anything of greatness by yourself.

Start stretching yourself right now. If you are afraid of what people might think, challenge yourself to do something wild or uncharacteristic and face the consequence head on.

If you have a hard time asking for help, ask ten people a day for something - directions, support, information, anything - until you get better at it.

If you are afraid of the additional responsibility that comes with playing bigger in the world, then put the support systems in place now to handle it so you can keep moving forward.

The good news is that we need not face our fears alone. As a matter of fact, accountability – through effective coaching, can lead you beyond your fear and help you to realize your vision much more quickly.




Words To Losy By