Who, Where, Why

It’s a terrible blizzard in the dead of winter. The woman was frazzled, to say the least, as she followed behind the huge snow plow.  It’s what her father would do, she told herself.  So she followed, closely and carefully.  Suddenly the big plow stopped.  The driver got out, walked over and tapped on her window. She opened the window, and he asked why she was following him.   She explained that her father always told her to find a snow plow and follow it if she was ever caught in a blizzard. The driver grunted, and as he walked away said, “Well, alright, I’ve finished the Walmart lot.  Let’s head over to K-Mart next”.

We’re all following someone. The obvious question might be who? But the bigger question is where? A friend many years ago used to say that our income was the average income of the top 5 most influential people in our lives.  I never really checked the validity of that statement, but I sure get the context. It likely applies across the board – to our habits – which in turn, impact all the other areas of our lives.  Whoever those influencers are in our life, check their habits and their results against the most important parts of your life and ask the question “Do they have what I want where it matters most, or are they at least headed in that direction, perhaps a little further down the road than me?” That’s a great question.  

Are you in sales? What level of success do you want? Who’s influencing you most? Are you deliberate in that choice? Are you married? What type of marriage do you want? Who’s influencing you and your spouse most? Are you a business owner? You get the idea. 

And keep in mind that our top influencers may not be through direct personal relationships.  We are influenced by all areas of input – including TV shows, radio, internet, and books – everything we are exposed to. 

As a trainer and coach, my goal with clients, especially in coaching, is less about teaching and more about influencing. I want to inspire positive, behavioral change based on the outcomes desired. And that is best done slowly, consistently and congruently. 

Following the snow plow was safe. But where did it get her?

So I ask again:  Who are you following, and where are you going?


Life Lessons from Peter Pan


Calm Under Pressure