Feelings are Contagious

Ever had that euphoric feeling? You’re just feeling good and not really sure why. In fact, sometimes it’s just an “under the surface” kind of sense until you really zone in. Then you think, ‘Hmmm, why am I feeling so good?’

Yesterday I had it.

Then I thought about it. It was not even about me; it was about our son Mitchell.  As the story goes…a day or so earlier, he was more than a little anxious to reach out to his boss to deal with a role at work he was no longer interested in doing. There are several “areas” where the employees can work and the one they were using Mitchell in is the one no one else wanted and not the one for which he was hired. It’s kind of involved, but needless to say, he wanted to tell his boss to limit him to the work he was originally hired for. And as confident as he is, he was worried about the response.

Well, the day I felt good is the day he came home after dealing with “the confrontation.” He came home and here was the result: His boss completely understood, yet asked him to meet with the head boss – the big cheese, Numero Uno. Mitchell did and Numero Uno simply said, “Your boss says you’re one of our best employees. You show up early and dive right in. We really want to make you happy, and we’ll do whatever it takes to keep you!” Mission accomplished, with some unexpected accolades from the top!

Why was I pumped?

When he came home and shared that story, he was in route to a shower, then to see his girlfriend play a home tennis match, one she was expected to win. I was pumped because I was just feeling really good for him – great conflict resolution/learning at work, then on his way to see his girl play the sport they both love. I just felt it for him.

Bottom line: feelings are truly contagious. I was feeling good for Mitch because he was clearly feeling good! It’s nice to “feel” that good feeling every once in a while, especially when it’s related to someone you love. It’s even better to recognize and appreciate it!

Big question is – are we putting out those good feelings for others to experience? Everybody likes to feel good, so the more we choose the good feelings, the more we throw off that good vibe to others, and thereby contribute to the joy of those around us. A contribution well worth it.

Here’s to your next good feeling!


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The Language Of Choice