I Waited 31 Years

I’m a huge football fan, primarily NFL.  Despite the changes and challenges over the years, I’ve always loved football.  It started when I was just a kid, maybe 7 or 8. My dad, as an acquaintance of Roger Staubach’s from their Navy days, was a big Cowboy’s fan.  And I began the loyal following as I watched my dad put the game on every week he could.  We often ordered Your Place Strombolis back in the ‘70s to watch the games.  It was a good bunch of years – two Super Bowls.  And into the ‘90s I continued watching three Super Bowl victories with my little girl, Brittany, on my lap for most of them. It’s been a little dry since then…

I’ve known my wife, Amy, for nearly 31 years now, married for almost 29.  Yet, I could never get her to watch the games with me, so I kind of drifted away.  I tried at times, and she kind of tried too but always said it was too complicated.  I knew what that really meant – not interested. And that was okay, but I still gently tried each season.  

I figured as our kids grew a little, out of three, I’d get at least one, and I’d be back on track. Mitchell’s 20 now, and I couldn’t even get him on track. In fact, he’s the least interested! Fail.

Some small shifts occurred in the last few years where Amy caught the end of two tear-jerking Cowboy’s losses to the Packers in the playoffs. She kind of got into that.

Then the big one. This year – against Seattle in the first-round playoffs. My wife actually yelled at the TV. That’s right, gentlemen, she yelled and a lot. Good and bad yelling.  And they won.  Then the Rams: she watched the entire game, knew what was going on – which can make it more frustrating – and yelled more! Especially as it wound down to a loss.  Doesn’t get much better than that – my wife yelling at the football game with a beer in her hand. Awesome.

These last 31 years, I’ve never pushed. She wasn’t into it, never made me feel bad if I watched, but I just didn’t watch without her.  And that was and would still be okay.  But yelling. Did I mention that? I’m thinking we’re good now.

Patience: 31 years to become a fan, and oh what a great fan.  Perhaps I need to apply that level of patience in other areas of my life. And I will. How about you?

By the way, I know I’ll get some chatter about the Cowboys.  So, go ahead, bring it on.


Discipline Over Quality


Act Your Way