Peep Frogs

During this COVID-19 crisis, I imagine most of us are trying to find ways to be active, find fun and enjoy time with our families while staying at home. But, to me, that doesn’t have to mean staying inside…I know, some feel that’s the safest thing to do. Outside of extenuating circumstances, I respectfully disagree. Outside is almost always the healthiest place to be. Fresh air, sunshine, and space! Outside rocks!

Lately, though, outside hasn’t really rocked. It’s rained and it’s been cold and windy. Not a great recipe for being outside.

I was walking around our yard with my wife just the other day. It was a dreary, rainy day, and we were taking advantage of a brief period in between the rain.  I must admit, I was kind of complaining about the rainy, cold April we’ve been having – limiting our outside adventures. I’m also a little sneaky when it comes to negativity – masking it in sarcasm.

But then we noticed the peep frogs in our pond singing gloriously.

And it occurred to me: the rain and cold sure didn’t bother them. They chirped and peeped just as much in the chilly, rainy 40s as they did in the warm and sunny 60s. They just do what they do, despite what they cannot control.

This is a great lesson for me. One that I already know, but one that I needed to have reinforced in such a unique and interesting manner on this day. I appreciate all those little guys peeping proudly! It’s one of my favorite spring sounds!

And despite COVID-19 and March-like weather in late April, they keep on peeping.

So, that’s my plan. Keep on peeping – rain or shine.


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