Time For A Little You Time

If you’ve ever taken a flight, you’ll know this drill.

The flight attendant instructs us that in the case of emergency and the oxygen masks drop, immediately put them on your kids or others who are struggling first. That way those less able are saved by those more able.



Those less able will not be served by us because we might just be incapacitated before we get to them!

We’re instructed to first put our masks on and then to help others. It’s counterintuitive and yet lifesaving.

You can’t help others unless you help yourself first.

That’s a tough lesson and one that most people should heed, not just in an airplane but in life. And it’s not about being selfish. It is about being selfless.

What do we want for those we care about – health, growth, great relationships, security, adventure, loyalty, and connection? And, yet, what are we doing to develop those key areas in our lives?

It’s about You Time.

One great way to get a little You Time is in the morning. Some call it the morning routine. Although not for everyone, most mornings are the best predictable, least distracted time of the day. Sorry for those of you raising babies! Hang on, the time will come.

The morning routine is You Time. Time to exercise – build your health, energy, strength, and vitality. Time to read or listen – educate and grow your mind in all areas of importance. Time for devotions or meditation – slowing down for spiritual growth. I do all of this in about 75 minutes. Every weekday.

And it’s easy if you have a little discipline up front with a solid system you follow daily. Remove barriers. Stop snoozing. Put out your exercise clothes the night before and in your way in the morning. Have the coffee ready.
Put a book out or have a podcast ready to go.

A few weeks and you don’t even have to decide anymore.

There you go – You Time. Claim it.


Time Confetti


To Be Seen