Questions I Ask Myself As A Leader

From a Maximum Impact recording of John Maxwell’s, there is a series of questions that all of us, as leaders, should be consistently asking.  Growing ourselves and developing others is paramount to our leadership success.  Taking time to consider and answer these questions will provide personal accountability in our personal leadership development process.


1.    Am I investing in myself? This is a Personal Growth question

2.    Am I genuinely interested in others?   This is a Motive question

3.    Am I doing what I love and loving what I do? This is a Passion question

4.    Am I investing my time with the right people? This is a Relationship question

5.    Am I staying in my strength zone? This is an Effectiveness question

6.    Am I taking others to a higher level?   This is a Mission question

7.    Am I taking care of today? This is a Success question

8.    Am I taking time to think? This is a Leadership question

9.    Am I developing leaders? This is a Legacy question

10. Am I pleasing God? This is an Eternity question


Take time to consider these questions, even adding a few to the list as you see fit. Consider a rating scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, and see how you rate.  Look where you are strong and where you are weak; maximize the strengths and minimize the weakness, and you’ll be working toward the best you that God designed you to be!


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