Don’t Confuse Enthusiasm With Priority

I was listening to a Success CD, and the speaker said something that really got my attention; he said, “Don’t confuse enthusiasm with priority.”  As I write this, the complete context escapes me, but the point does not. If you have kids, or perhaps a dog or cat, you may remember the “Bumble Ball”.  This exciting, dynamic, bumbling toy would entertain the kids and the dog, sometimes until the batteries ran out.  This toy is very exciting, always moving, but never really gets anywhere in particular – because it is constantly changing direction. 

I know people who are much the same way – very exciting, dynamic, ever-changing, but never really getting anywhere significant (often despite clear talent and potential).  There is no focus, no intention, no direction - just excitement.

If you are anything like me (and I know I am!), you’ve invested countless hours in “restarting” because something new or exciting (they often go together) comes along – whether it’s a new book (the one I was reading wasn’t that good anyway) or a new sales strategy (the old one I started yesterday surely wasn’t very good) – “new” so often looks more exciting and thereby takes priority.  The Bumble Ball makes a great toy, but not a great teacher. Its enthusiasm is its priority – let’s make our priorities what we are enthusiastic about.


Questions I Ask Myself As A Leader


Three Frogs