Three Frogs

Three frogs were sitting on a lily pad.  Two decided to jump in.  How many were left? 

 If you answered one, you may suffer from a common challenge - thinking that deciding is the end-all of commitment. 

 Three. The answer is three.  Just because two decided to jump in, doesn’t mean they followed through. 

 A decision does not a commitment make.

When making decisions, I suggest you establish a strong commitment impetus. 

 1). Know why you have made this decision - what is the fuel (purpose, reward) that is intended?  Dwell on that reward.  Brian Tracy calls this Visioning - imagining you already have what you want - seeing, touching, tasting, experiencing.  Athletes do this all the time, as do successful people in all areas - sales, business, psychology, parenting, marriage, music, etc.

 2). Another key impetus for growing feet to your decisions is accountability.  On a formal level, find a person you respect and engage them in your accountability. Depending on how you set this up and the level of involvement you need from them, make it as easy as possible for them to effectively hold you accountable.  On a less formal level, you may consider "confessing" your decisions to those you do not want to let down.  This can get a little tricky as you make your decisions public.  I usually suggest making "go up" decisions public, and "give up" decisions private. 

When I decided to complete the P90X workout program, I intentionally told everyone I could, not for show, but to ensure accountability.  I place a high value on personal integrity and telling others adds a great deal of accountability - knowing that at any time, innocently, numerous people could check in on me.  Whatever the inspiration, I completed the program 91 days after the "decision".  Excellent program, by the way.  Barring injury, P90X2 is likely next.  Notice the lack of commitment in that sentence - "barring" and “likely" - they are both "back doors"! 

3). And that leads to the last suggestion I have for this writing - speak decisive, committed words to support your good decisions.  Scripture says, "Call things that are not as though they are." and "Whatsoever he saith shall also come to pass."  Pretty much sums it up.

Commitment is the key.  Which is more committed, the chicken or the pig?  At least as far as eggs and bacon go, the pig is far more committed!

 I want to be the pig. No comment, please.


Don’t Confuse Enthusiasm With Priority


How Do You View Life?